Ethiopian Coffee Export Performance and Diversification Analysis

Research article


  • Kassahun Gofe Balami Addis Ababa University, College of Development Studies Centre for Regional and Local Devel-opment Studies
  • Mengistu Ketema CEO of Ethiopian Economic Associatio
  • Andualem Goshu 3Addis Ababa University, College of Development Studies, Center for Regional and Local De-velopment Studie



Ethiopian coffee, export sector, performance analysis, diversification strategies, market dynamics, sustainability


This article investigates the performance trends and diversification strategies within the Ethiopian coffee export sector. Ethiopia, renowned for its high-quality coffee beans, has long been a significant player in the global coffee market. However, the sector faces various challenges, including market volatility, quality control issues, and limited value addition. This study aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the performance dynamics and diversification initiatives in Ethiopian coffee export, shedding light on opportunities for sustainable growth and competitiveness. Drawing upon a range of data sources and analytical methods, the article examines trends in coffee production, export volumes, prices, and market dynamics. It also explores diversification strategies adopted by stakeholders along the coffee value chain, including efforts to enhance quality, expand market reach, and promote value addition. The study found that while the value and volume of coffee exports has shown mixed trends, generally increasing with occasional setbacks, challenges persist within the sector, including climate change, pests, diseases, mismanagement of export finance and production technology. While opportunities exist for vertical diversification through roasting and decaffeinating, challenges persist, including market instability and barriers to market entry. Proactive efforts to explore new markets and address challenges through improved marketing strategies, value addition, and capacity building can further enhance Ethiopia's position as a leading player in the global coffee trade.


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How to Cite

Gofe Balami, K., Ketema , M., & Goshu , A. (2024). Ethiopian Coffee Export Performance and Diversification Analysis : Research article. Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development, 7(2), 180–192.


