Ethnobotanical Studies of Professor Afolayan Wildlife Park, Ondo State, Nigeria

Research article


  • Titus Ayodele Ampitan Federal College of Wildlife Management, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, PMB 268, New Bussa, Niger State
  • 2Oluwadamilola Aduragbemi Ayanniyi Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal College of Forest Resources Management, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ishiagu Ebonyi State
  • Folajinmi Olaoluwa Omolabi Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal College of Forest Resources Management, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ishiagu Ebonyi State
  • Kehinde Moruff Adelakun Federal College of Wildlife Management, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, PMB 268, New Bussa, Niger State



Plants, Wildlife Park, Medicinal, Ethnobotany, ailments, treatment


Ethnobotanical study of Professor Afolayan Wildlife Park was carried out to identify and document medicinal plants and their uses. Medicinal plants have been observed to be very effective in the treatment of ailments that defile orthodox medicine. Despite this, only few people are aware of the location and uses of most of the plants around them due to inadequate knowledge of their usefulness. In this study common plants used were classified based on their families, parts used and the medicinal uses. Some of the plant families were briefly discussed and the plants local names provided. Ac-cording to field survey, 40 plants were identified consisting of 20 families. The com-monly used plant parts are leaves, bark, seeds, fruits and the whole plant which are used to treat ailments like malaria, stomach aches and diarrhoea. This study shows the high medicinal potentials of Professor Afolayan Wildlife Park, therefore the need for sustainable use and conservation of the park for its multiple role is therefore encouraged.


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How to Cite

Ayodele Ampitan, T., Aduragbemi Ayanniyi, 2Oluwadamilola, Olaoluwa Omolabi, F., & Moruff Adelakun, K. (2023). Ethnobotanical Studies of Professor Afolayan Wildlife Park, Ondo State, Nigeria: Research article. Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development, 6(2), 31–40.


