Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development (JESSD)

This is where Researchers solve the community problems.

Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development (JESSD) is a multidisciplinary international journal that is published in English language twice a year (January and June). The JESSD is a peer-reviewed journal publishing open access and in print from in all field of sciences, technology and arts on the basis of its originality and scientific importance. This journal publishes original research articles, review articles, short communications and case reports/ technical notes that would generate the significant contributions in the field of sciences and sustainable development. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. 



General and Copyright Policy

The editorial policy of JESSD is only publish content that is original, exclusive and not previously copyrighted. Thus, manuscripts should be original works that are not under review at another journal. The manuscript submitted elsewhere or under process in other journal publisher is not accepted by JESSD for manuscript process or publication. A submission for manuscripts must report original research that has not previously appeared and has not been concurrently submitted to a journal or conference with published proceedings. All accepted manuscripts for publication in this journal belong to the property right JESSD observed by Copyright Policy of Madda Walabu University. Further, the articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC) International License. Therefore, authors will retain copyright alongside scholarly usage rights and the Publisher will be granted publishing and distribution rights.

Aims and Scope of JESSD

Journal of Equity in Sciences and Sustainable Development (JESSD) is a multidisciplinary international journal that is published in English language twice a year (January and June).  The JESSD is a peer-reviewed journal publishing open access and in print from in all field of sciences, technology and arts on the basis of its originality and scientific importance. This journal publishes original research articles, review articles, short communications and case reports/ technical notes that would generate the significant contributions in the field of sciences and sustainable development. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.

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